
Early in 2008 I bought a little, old wooden Folkboat called Valmik. I was going to spend a few months on repairs and begin sailing her around Europe, with Australia being the final destination. As my knowledge of boats improved, so did the thoroughness of the restoration. I decided to become very involved in every aspect of construction, doing almost all of the work myself: making my own sails, doing the fit out and all woodwork, splicing my own rig and wiring in the 12 volt electric circuit. Self-reliance, I suppose, is the goal. Follow the link to my photo albums for a detailed documentation of the work and some videos.

For a long time now, I have been striving to achieve my goals and begin an adventure. I had planned to complete a circumnavigation of the UK and Ireland in the summer of 2015 with my wife. Unfortunately, this will not be possible and I went back to work. Valmik is ready to sail, however, and I am finally in a position to start enjoying her for what she was designed for. Of course there is a never ending list of modifications and enhancements with a small section for repairs. I will be sailing as much as possible and documenting my adventures on this blog.

My plan is to build up to a epic solo sailing Adventure.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

This little boat

 I have decide to make a new water resistant, bigger, more practical electrical panel!

New panel being glued on left!.......Old panel against hull on right!
I was not happy with the old one for a few reasons. Not enough room to add instruments,  it was very exposed to water and I didn't like it's position. As a friend said "If you were knocked down water would be all through it".

                                                          Costs and time spent

I have recently been through all of my costs and time spent on the restoration. I will not list each individually here as I sure you would be bored, and it is enough to fill a Book!

Total time spent, (this is days worked only!!! and does not account for hours!!! which the average of would be something like 10 hours a day thanks to the long daylight of the English summers!
2 years and 2 months!!

Total £££ spent, (This does not include my sails, which I made, and value very highly. And most things I have bartered for or received at trade price. Also we could not forget all of the freebies which have been given or taken:) HE he. People have been extremely nice to me and I have had lots of Freebies, including dinners!!!)
£12,000 Roughly...
listing a few,
£700.  Paraffin cooker,
£770. whole rig, Bronze bottle screws and wire
£500. Skin fittings and sea-cocks for self draining cockpit.
£3000. 5 sails not included.

£15,000 sails included. £48,000 sails and time priced (priced at something like the minimum wage £15,000)
I am yet to have Valmik Valued. But I would hope for it to be over £10,000.

Wait a second your saying??? You spent over two years and £12,000 on something that's only worth about £10,000 you must be mad! Maybe??    
"This Little Boat" Has been my home for nearly five years. I also hope to get lots of enjoyment from it, it will hopefully take me safely across many a high sea travelling to many countries. Sailing is not just a very popular sport and pastime, it's also a life style!  And not to mention everything that I have learnt since Late 2007 when I started working on boats. Some have called it a labour of love! There has been many times which I have thought that If I had worked for a few years and saved  I could have bought a bigger boat sooner, and After spending five years AT IT, this is almost certainly true...
But, where would "this little Boat" be now???     

 New  electrical panel composing, two fuse panel's, battery monitor and navtex. Yet to be varnished

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